Thursday 27 December 2012

Pirate Viking Paints Pulp City Prize for Paint the City Pink

Pirate Viking Painting have painted up one of the Paint the City Pink prizes that was donated back to the event by Dr Warlock.

You can see each mini and how he did it on the PVP blog HERE

If you missed it, the Paint the City Pink auctions winners were announced a few days ago (link)

They look awesoem and will be up for auction again in the first part of next year.

Hendybadger awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!


  1. Great job guys! I hated I could not submit anything due to family illness with my mother being in the hospital. Maybe next year!

    1. If people want to take part again Im sure I could run one next year.
      Maybe a little more organised then though


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