Friday 30 January 2015

Arkham City Limits Now Official! Jan Highlights

Penguin and Crew by Jorg Waitforit

I have mentioned the Facebook group Arkham City Limits on here a few times now as my favourite place to go for Batman Minis Game discussion and models.
Well, what was a fan group originally, has now become 100% official!
As of this week, Arkham City Limits is the official group for the Batman game with the full support of Knight Models
They even have a crew painting competition going on at the moment with the top 3 prizes being the special Talia tournemanet only card!

If that isn't enought to tempt you over to have a look, I have picked a few of my favourite images from the last month on there.

Adam Reeves has turned this Blackgate Prisoner into a Joker fan.

Adam has also created Soloman FUNdy

Andy Leighton's stunning Batman and Robin

Brandon Jackson has swapped Jokers knife out for a crowbar. Poor Jason.

Brandon has also painted up Bruce and Damien to take the Joker down

Crispian Woolford is working on a court house for Gotham. Dents building of choice.

Arkham Origins Bane by Edward Hanby

Jack Glanfield has been doing some amazing stuff with UV paint

Jack has also added large bronze statues to his board for that 90's movie feel

Green Arrow by Justin Timothy

Arkham City Batman by Kent Ing

Matthew Malcomson is creating Two Face Mobsters out of Black Mask Henchmen

ADAM WEST leads to cops. Painted by Myk Myers

Robert Zane Solo is working on a very impressive Ferris wheel for Jokers Fun Land

Scott Crowe has added extra vegetation to Ivy and her plants. Helped out by a great mettalic Deathstroke.

Wille Vertanen has DKR leader the Origins Bane Mercs. Helped out by Deadpool as a stand in for Deathstroke.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

The Batman Minis Game - Who Works With Who?

EDIT - Updated as far as pre-Suicide Squad box.
Do you still use this post? Should it keep going? Let me know below.

As the Batman game from Knight Models gets bigger, I keep seeing people asking a very similar question.
"I really like (character) but who else works with them?"

To try and help out new players with their crew building and buying, I thought it would be a good idea to list each crew here with which models / packs work for them and any restrictions they may have.

Specific restrictions will be in (brackets), as will the model version for those with different miniatures. They also include hiring costs, weapons and key Traits. Henchmen that can be taken up to 3 times will have an * next to their name.

This should be easier for people than looking at each individual card online.

I will be referring to the different model types  like Leader and Free Agent. You can see what each means and how to build your crew using them here - Batman Crew Building
Remember, if you choose a Sidekick as the BOSS instead of a Leader, their Funding Cost is reduced to $0
The plan is to keep this as a living post and add all monthly releases and any changes made.

With the new Flash / Arrow expansion there are now TEAMS available as well. The currently released models for each of these can be found at the bottom of the post.
I am going to hold off on any stats or how you build a team until the books have shipped out worldwide.


Arkham Origins
- 144 Rep, $0 - Remote Claw, Batarang, Shock Gloves - Batcpe, Batclaw, Bat Armour Mk1, Total Vision, Explosive Gel
Arkham City
- 130 Rep, $0 - Batarang, Reinforced Gloves - Batcape, Explosive Gel, Batclaw, Bat-Armour Mk1, Total Vision
Arkham Knight
- 150 Rep, $0 - Batarang, Reinforced Gloves - Batcape, Batclaw, Night Vision, Teamwork 1, Batarmour Mk 3, Disruptor
Frank Miller
- 109 Rep, $0 - Batlings, Reinforced Gloves - Batcape, Batclaw, Bat Armour Mk1, Night Vision
Dark Knight Movie
- 120 Rep, $0 - Batlings, Reinforced Gloves - Batcape, Batclaw, Arrest, Bat Armour Mk 2
Batpod DK Movie
- 150 Rep, $0 - Stun Cannon, Custom Missle - Bat Armour Mk2, Anti Tank, Dismount to DK Bats
Adam West
- 75 Rep, $0 - Batlings, Shark Repellant, Reinforced Gloves - Batclaw, Arrest, Ka-Pow!, Millionaire
- 80 Rep, $0 - Batlings, Reinforced Gloves - Acrobat, Batcape, Batclaw, Detective, Martial Artist
Zur-En-Arrh (Tournament)
- 125 Rep, $0 - Batlings, Reinforced Gloves - Bipolar, Kevlar Vest, Devastating Blow, Batclaw, Batcape

- 85 Rep, $0 - Wingdings, Electric Baton - Charismatic, Combo, Arcobat, Batclaw, Electic Storm
Green Arrow (Comic)
-117 Rep, $300 - Standard / Special Arrow - Rapid Fire, Master Marksman, Acrobat, Good Aim, Hook Arrow
Red Hood (Comic)
- 84 Rep, $400 - Auto Gun x2 - Acrobat, Gunman, Kevlar Vest, Instinctive Shooting
Robin (Arkham Knight Drake)
- 78 Rep, $0 - Batlings, Shield Bo - Batclaw, Combo, Teamwork 2
Robin (DKR Carry Kelly)
- 54 Rep, $100 - Slingshot - Acrobat, Agile, Concealment, Handyman
Batgirl (Comic)
- 59 Rep, $0 - Batlings - Batclaw, Batcape, Combo
- 95 Rep, $0 - Batarang, Shock Gloves - Bat Armour Mk 1, Batclaw, Night Vision, Criminology
Comissioner Gordon (SWAT Boss)
 - 70 Rep, $200 - Auto Gun - Kevlar Vest, Air Support
- 123 Rep, $500 - Plasma Cannon, White Noise - Cybernetic, Fly, Night Vision, Hacking, Light Armour, Sonic
Flash (Comic)
- 125 Rep, $0 - Speed Powers - Speedster 6, Fast, Dodge, Detective, Scientific

Free Agents
Red Hood (Arkham Knight)
- 88 Rep, $500 - Dual Handguns - Teamwork 1, Takedown
Azreal (Arkham Knight)
- 77 Rep, $150 - Sword of Sin, Gauntlet Thorns - Devastating
Robin (Arkham City Drake)
- 68 Rep, $200 - Bo, Flash Grenade - Batclaw
Robin (Comic Damien)
- 50 Rep, $0 - Batlings - Acrobat, Batclaw
- 66 Rep, $100 - Hand Crossbow, Bo - Rapid Fire, Acrobat
Black Canary (Comic)
- 69 Rep, $0 - Canary Cry, Acrobat
Mr Freeze
- 75 Rep, $500 - Freezing Gun, Freeze Grenades - Power Armour, Primary Target Loot
Catwoman (Arkham City)
- 66 Rep, $0 - Whip - Primart Target Loot, Acrobat, Total Vision, Climbing Shoes, Retractable Claws
Catwoman (Animated)
- 50 Rep, $0 - Whip - Acrobat, Climbing Shoes, Agile
- 75 Rep, $100 - Soultaker Katana, Shuriken - Acrobat, Feint, Precise Blow
Bane (Arkham City) - (Affinity)
- 150 Rep, $0 - Reinforced Gloves - Titan Addict, Titan Dose x2, Primary Target Titan
Talia aL Ghul (Arkham City) - (Affinity)
- 71 Rep, $0 - Katana - Acrobat, Sneak Attack, True Love: Batman
Swamp Thing - (Affinity)
- 150 Rep, $0 - Spikes, Altered Limb - Roots, Green Travel, Regeneration, Vulnerable to Fire
Green Arrow (DKR) - (Affinity)
- 75 Rep, $0 - Std Arrow, Kryptonite Arrow - Acrobat, Hook Arrow, Desensitized, One Armed, Ranged Master
- 100 Rep, $100 - Catarangs - Claws, Climbing, Order, Tracking, Superior Smell, Jump-Up, Cowards Reward
- 99 Rep, $0 - Nth Metal Mace - Fly, Hover, Immune Fire, Teamwork / Hawkman, Weapon Master, Flying High, Unstoppable
- 109 Rep, $0 - Nth Metal Mace - Fly, Hover, Immune Fire, Teamwork Hawkgirl, Fly High, Savage Fighter
Batgirl (Animated)
- 47 Rep, $0 - Batlings - Batcape, Batclaw, Combo, Distract, Survivor
- 75 Rep, $0 - Sword x2 - Power Dampening, Self Disipline, Stealth, Weapon Master
Kid Flash
- 74 Rep, $0 - Vibration Wave - Concealment, Dodge, Speed Force Master, Speedster 4
- 130 Rep, $0 - Fire Blast, Reinforced Gloves - Fly, Fly High, Hover, Invunerability, True Love Dick Grayson

Alfred Pennyworth (Promotional)
- 30 Rep, $0 - Business Agent, Medic
SWAT (Gordon pack) - (Elite SWAT)
- Alpha - 38 Rep, $500 - Auto Rifle - Shooter, Lantern
- Bravo - 27 Rep, $300 - Shotgun
- Delta - 33 Rep, $300 - Shield, Auto Gun - Lantern
Echo SWAT (Loeb pack) - (Elite SWAT)
- 26 Rep, $0 - Battering Ram
GCPD Detective (Loeb pack)
- 25 Rep, $200 - Handgun - Hidden, Arrest
Police Set 1
- Gotham Policeman* - 16 Rep, $0 - Baton - Arrest, Lantern
- Agent Ron - 25 Rep, $300 - Auto Gun, Baton - Arrest
Police Set 2
- Gotham Policewoman* - 14 Rep, $0 - Tonfa - Arrest
- Agent O'Connell - 29 Rep, $0 - Taser - Arrest
Sons of Batman (DKR Starter)
- SoB 01 - 14 Rep, $100 - Batlings - Hardened, Brutal
- SoB 02 - 23 Rep, $350 - Sawed Off Shotgun, Gun - Hardened, Street Guy
- SoB 03 - 39 Rep, $0 - Reinforced Gloves - Bluff, Counterattack, Follow Me

Vehicles / Legends
Batmobile (Arkham Knight) - (Vehicle + Legend)
- 150 Rep, $1500 - Minigun, Riot Gun, Missiles, 60mm Cannon - Combat Mode, Heavy Armour, Remote Driving, Non-Lethal Ammo, Shock Armour, Lantern, Anit-Tank, Explosive, Batman Only

Bat-Signal - 4VP On, 1 VP to opponent Off


Arrow (CW)
- 125 Rep, $0 - Standard / Serrated / Concussion Arrows - Acrobat, Good Aim, Hook Arrow, Multifire, Shooter, Master Marksman
Green Arrow (Animated)
- 77 Rep, $0 - Standard Arrow, Punch Arrow - Good Aim, Teamwork 2 Black Canary, Rapid Fire
Green Arrow (DKR)
- 75 Rep, $0 - Std Arrow, Kryptonite Arrow - Acrobat, Hook Arrow, Desensitized, One Armed, Ranged Master

Green Arrow (Comic)
-117 Rep, $300 - Standard / Special Arrow - Rapid Fire, Master Marksman, Acrobat, Good Aim, Hook Arrow
Arsenal (was Speedy)
- 74 Rep, $200 - Bow, Explosive Arrow - Rapid Fire, Acrobat, Good Aim
Flash (CW)
- 100 Rep, $0 - Speed Force Bolts - Speed Force Master, Speedster/5, Fast, Dodge

Free Agents
Black Canary (Comic)
- 69 Rep, $0 - Canary Cry, Acrobat
Black Canary (Animated)
- 50 Rep, $0 - Canary Cry - Acrobat, Teamwork Green Arrow, Undercover,
- 66 Rep, $100 - Hand Crossbow, Bo - Rapid Fire, Acrobat
- 75 Rep, $100 - Soultaker Katana, Shuriken - Acrobat, Feint, Precise Blow
Catwoman (Arkham City)
- 66 Rep, $0 - Whip - Primart Target Loot, Acrobat, Total Vision, Climbing Shoes, Retractable Claws
Catwoman (Animated)
- 50 Rep, $0 - Whip - Acrobat, Climbing Shoes, Agile
Mr Freeze
- 75 Rep, $500 - Freezing Gun, Freeze Grenades - Power Armour, Primary Target Loot
- 100 Rep, $100 - Catarangs - Claws, Climbing, Order, Tracking, Superior Smell, Jump-Up, Cowards Reward
- 99 Rep, $0 - Nth Metal Mace - Fly, Hover, Immune Fire, Teamwork / Hawkman, Weapon Master, Flying High, Unstoppable
- 109 Rep, $0 - Nth Metal Mace - Fly, Hover, Immune Fire, Teamwork Hawkgirl, Fly High, Savage Fighter
Kid Flash
- 74 Rep, $0 - Vibration Wave - Concealment, Dodge, Speed Force Master, Speedster 4
Starfire (Affinity Roy Harper)
- 130 Rep, $0 - Fire Blast, Reinforced Gloves - Fly, Fly High, Hover, Invunerability, True Love Dick Grayson

Spartan / Diggle (CW)
- 60 Rep, $350 - Auto Gun, Taser - Kevlar Vest, Bodyguard, Master Marksman, Scheming/3
Police Set 1
- Gotham Policeman* - 16 Rep, $0 - Baton - Arrest, Lantern
- Agent Ron - 25 Rep, $300 - Auto Gun, Baton - Arrest
Police Set 2
- Gotham Policewoman* - 14 Rep, $0 - Tonfa - Arrest
- Agent O'Connell - 29 Rep, $0 - Taser - Arrest
SWAT (Gordon pack) - (Elite SWAT)
- Alpha - 38 Rep, $500 - Auto Rifle - Shooter, Lantern
- Bravo - 27 Rep, $300 - Shotgun
- Delta - 33 Rep, $300 - Shield, Auto Gun - Lantern
Echo SWAT (Loeb pack) - (Elite SWAT)
- 26 Rep, $0 - Battering Ram


Commissioner Gordon - (SWAT Boss)
 - 70 Rep, $200 - Auto Gun - Kevlar Vest, Air Support
Commissioner Loeb - (SWAT Boss)
- 70 Rep, $0 - Handgun - Comissioner, Public Resources

Lieutenant Branden (Loeb pack) - (SWAT Boss)
- 53 Rep, $400 - MG - Arrest, Lantern
Harvey Bullock (Tourament)
- 40 Rep, $200 - Gun - Arrest, Detective, Informer, Luck, Order
- 95 Rep, $0 - Batarang, Shock Gloves - Bat Armour Mk 1, Batclaw, Night Vision, Criminology
Batgirl (Comic)
- 59 Rep, $0 - Batlings - Batclaw, Batcape, Combo

Free Agents
Mr Freeze
- 75 Rep, $500 - Freezing Gun, Freeze Grenades - Power Armour, Primary Target Loot
Batgirl (Animated) - (Affinity James Gordon)
- 47 Rep, $0 - Batlings - Batcape, Batclaw, Combo, Distract, Survivor
Kid Flash
- 74 Rep, $0 - Vibration Wave - Concealment, Dodge, Speed Force Master, Speedster 4

GCPD Detective (Loeb pack)
- 25 Rep, $200 - Handgun - Hidden, Arrest
Police Set 1
- Gotham Policeman* - 16 Rep, $0 - Baton - Arrest, Lantern
- Agent Ron - 25 Rep, $300 - Auto Gun, Baton - Arrest
Police Set 2
- Gotham Policewoman* - 14 Rep, $0 - Tonfa - Arrest
- Agent O'Connell - 29 Rep, $0 - Taser - Arrest
SWAT (Gordon pack) - (Elite SWAT)
- Alpha - 38 Rep, $500 - Auto Rifle - Shooter, Lantern
- Bravo - 27 Rep, $300 - Shotgun
- Delta - 33 Rep, $300 - Shield, Auto Gun - Lantern
Echo SWAT (Loeb pack) - (Elite SWAT)
- 26 Rep, $0 - Battering Ram
Sgt Winslow (Tournament)
- 28 Rep, $0 - Tonfa - Lantern, Arrest, Bulletproof Vest


These work a little differently to other crews. They can ONLY use models with the Watchman rank. These are -

Silk Spectre II
- 50 Rep, $0 - Unarmed - Combo, Acrobat, Counter Attack
- 100 Rep, $0 - Reinforced Gloves - Acrobat, Relexes, Mastermind
- 50 Rep, $0 - Shurikens - Bonebreaker, Archie, Batcape, Arrest, Total Vision
- 75 Rep, $0 - Improvised Weapon - Batclaw, Bloodthirsty MD, Detective, Hidden
- 75 Rep, $0 - Riot Shotgun, .50 Cal Gun, Reinforced Gloves - Demented Laughter MD, Shooter

Court of Owls
The Court of Owls are a bit like the Watchmen. They can ONLY take models with the CoO Affiliation.

Benjamin Orchard
- 40 Rep, $0 - Katana - Joy for Victory, Court of Owls Crew
High Court Member
- 37 Rep, $0 - Gun - Demoralise, Court of Owls Crew

Free Agents
Gotham Butcher
- 81 Rep, $0 - Claws - Weakness to Cold, Reanimated, Large, Fast

Talons (Orchard box)
- William Cobb - 68 Rep, $0 - Knife, Owl Knife - Weakness Cold, Reanimated, Precise Blow, Combo Knife
- Strix - 61 Rep, $100 - Katana, Throwing Knives - Acrobat, Climbing Claws, Weakness Cold, Reanimated
- Xiao Loong - 49 Rep, $0 - Owl Knife, Tanto - Climbing Claws, Weakness Cold, Reanimated
O'Malley Talons (High Court box)
-Nathaniel - 30 Rep, $0 - Katar, Owl Knife - Martial Artist, Weakness Cold, Reanimated
- Brandon - 51 Rep, $0 - Katar, Owl Knife - Stealth, Tireless, Weakness Cold, Reanimated, Assassin /2
- James - 33 Rep, $0 - Katar, Owl Knife - Bodyguard, Veteran, Weakness Cold, Reanimated

These models can be used with ANY of the Villain crews below apart from the listed exceptions.
Remember thought that the same character can not be taken twice. For example, no Riddler Free Agent in a Riddler led crew.

Free Agents
Clayface - (Not with Bane)
- 116 Rep, $0 - Metamophic Weapon - Claybody, Regeneration
Scarecrow (Arkham City) - (Not with Strange)
- 57 Rep, $200 - Drug Spray, Syringe Claw
Deathstroke (Origins) - (Not in Scarecrow crew)
- 145 Rep, $250 - Auto Gun, Bo, Sword - Soul Armour
Deathstroke (Comic)
- 122 Rep, $0 - SMG, Sword
Riddler (Arkham City)
- 69 Rep, $0 - ? Baton - Puzzle Master, Confusion
Lobo - (Not with females)
- 136 Rep, $500 - Hook, Big Gun - Regeneration, Immortal
Catwoman (Arkham City) - (Not with Joker crew, Two Face or Strange)
- 66 Rep, $0 - Whip - Primart Target Loot, Acrobat, Total Vision, Climbing Shoes, Retractable Claws
Catwoman (Animated) - (not with Joker)
- 50 Rep, $0 - Whip - Acrobat, Climbing Shoes, Agile
Mr Freeze
- 75 Rep, $500 - Freezing Gun, Freeze Grenades - Power Armour, Primary Target Loot
Victor Zsasz
- 75 Rep, $0 - Hunting Knife - Death Marks, Devastating Blow
Deadshot (Arkham Origins)
- 76 Rep, $300 - 9mm Twin Cannons - Expert Marksman, Rapid Fire, Night Vision, Dodge
Deadshot (Comic) - (Not with Joker)
- 90 Rep, $600 - Barret, Twin 9mms - Dodge, Obsessive, Ranged Master, Outlaw Commander, Assassin/3
Killer Croc - (Not with Bane)
- 95 Rep, $0 - Cannibal, Lord of the Sewer
Soloman Grundy
- 128 Rep, $0 - Improvised Weapon - Undead, Immortal
 62 Rep, $0 - Poisoned Claws - Acrobat, Climbing Shoes
- 72 Rep, $450 - Flamethrower, Frag Grenade - Fly, Hover, Pyromania MD
Killer Frost - (Not in Freeze Crew)
- 70 Rep, $150 - Ice Daggers - Chill Touch
Black Manta - (Not in Organised Crime)
- 120 Rep, $350 - Dual Blade, Death Ray - Tracking, Night vision, Stealth, Weapon Master
Catman - (Not in Lexcorp or Joker)
- 100 Rep, $100 - Catarangs - Claws, Climbing, Order, Tracking, Superior Smell, Jump-Up, Cowards Reward
Captain Boomerang
- 82 Rep, $350 - Melee, Gravity, Blade, Electric, Acid - Master Marksman, Tracking, Shooter, Ricochet
Professor Zoom - (Not with Joker or League)
- 117 Rep, $0 - Phase Strike, Speed Powers - Dodge, Negative Speed Force, Speedster/5, Scientific, Strategist
- 75 Rep, $0 - Sword x2 - Power Dampening, Self Disipline, Stealth, Weapon Master
Reverse Flash (CW) - (Not with Joker or League)
- 110 Rep, $0 - Phase Strike - Tachyon Device, Dodge, Speedster/5, Ignore Paradox

Blackgate Prisoners 1
- Prisoner 01 - 10 Rep, $0 - Tube - Pickpocket
- Prisoner 02 - 17 Rep, $0 - Bigga Sticka
- Turk - 25 Rep, $400 - Handgun x2 - Gunman
- High Security - 48 Rep, $0 - Knives - Combo, Devastating Blow
Blackgate Prisoners 2
- Prisoner 03 - 19 Rep, $0 - Axe
- Prisoner 04 - 18 Rep, $0 - Brass Knuckles - Bodyguard
- Prisoner 05 - 20 Rep, $300 - Auto Gun, Smoke Grenades - Lantern
- Little Spark - 40 Rep, $100 - Heavy Electric Baton - Catcher Gear, Electric Storm
BA Blackgate (Tournament) - (Not with Joker or Penguin)
- 43 Rep, $0 - BiggaSticka - 360 with stick
Lunatics (Zsasz box)
- Pavilion A Subject - 10 Rep, $0 - Unarmed - Delirium
- Pavilion B Subject - 13 Rep, $0 - Unarmed - Delirium, Paranoid MD
- File No 08923 - 20 Rep, $0 - Claws - Delirium, Aggressive Schizophrenia MD
Arkham Asylum Inmates 1
- EO474 - 24 Rep,$0 - Katar - Climbing Claws, Obsessive MD
- EO 477 - 26 Rep, $100 - Meat Knife, Throwing Knives - Shooter, Bloodthirsty MD
Arkham Asylum Inmates (Strange box)
- EO475 - 18 Rep, $0 - Big Spike - Paranoid MD
- EO476 - 34 Rep, $0 - Improvised Maul - Devastating Blow, Bipolar MD
- EO478 - 15 Rep, $0 - Knife x2 - Bloodthirsty MD


Arkham Asylum
- 90 Rep, $0 - Poisoned Knife, Explosive Teeth - Total Vision, Luck, Kaos Agent, One Shot Gun
Red Hood (Promotional)
- 90 Rep, $0 - Poisoned Knife, Explosive Teeth - Total Vision, Luck, Kaos Agent, One Shot Gun
DK Movie Ledger
- 80 Rep, $0 - Custom Gun, Knife - Kaos Agent, Henchman Bomb
Titan Arkham City
- 130 Rep, $0 - Claws - Power Strike
Killing Joke
- 100 Rep, $0 - Acid Flower, Knife, Baton - Kaos Agent, Intimidate, Demotiveate, Acid
Dark Knight Returns
- 70 Rep, $0 - Auto Gun, Precie Knife - Kaos Agent, Trickster, Psycho, Target of the Bat

Harley Quinn (Arkham Knight)
- 80 Rep, $0 - Reinforced Bat, SMG - Bluff, Play Nice

Harley Quinn (Comic)
- 75 Rep, $0 - Mallet - Acrobat, 360 with Mallet
Harley Quinn (Arkham City)
- 61 Rep, $0 - Reinforced Bat - Acrobat, True Love: Joker, Disarray
Joker's Daughter (Not with Harley Quinn)
- 60 Rep, $100 - Machete, Lipstick Gun - Acrobat, Daddy's Girrrl, Cruel
Mr Hammer - (Circus Boss)
- 71 Rep, $0 - Warhammer - Bodyguard, Lethal Blow, One Armed

Free Agents
- 73 Rep, $350 - Auto Gun x2 - Exhaustive Planner, Hidden Boss
Harley Quinn (Animated)
- 40 Rep, $200 - Harley's Little Helper - Acrobat, Disarray, Distract, Follow Me

Clowns (Joker Starter)
- Contre-Auguste - 21 Rep, $0 - Bat - Obsessive MD
- Clown* - 15 Rep, $0 - Knife - Demential Laughter
- Ringmaster - 32 Rep, $0 - Chain - 360 Attack, Catchers Gear (Elite Circus)
Clowns set 1
- Triston - 26 Rep, $300 - Shotgun - Runaway
- August - 25 Rep, $0 - Axe - Psycho, Tireless
Clowns set 2
- Sniggering - 25 Rep, $600 - Assault Rifle - Informer
- Clown* - 16 Rep, $0 - Shield - Protecting, Demential Laughter
Clowns set 3
- Clown* - 14 Rep, $0 - Tube
- Master of Ceremonies - 36 Rep, $0 - Axe - Catcher Gear (Elite Circus)
Elite Clowns
- Asker - 38 Rep, $200 - Gun, Meat Knife - Demential Laughter, Bloodthirsty MD
- Borgon - 42 Rep, $0 - Hammer - Brutal, Sturdy, Demential Laughter
Titan Clown
- 59 Rep, $0 - Reinforced Gloves - Sturdy, Stupid, Bloodthirsty MD
Six (Tournament)
- 35 Rep, $0 - Spiked Shield
Robotic Dolls (DKR Starter)
- Bobbie - 25 Rep, $100 - Laughing Gas - Bot, Fly, Funny Bomb
- Mary - 25 Rep, $100- Laughing Gas - Bot, Fly, Funny Bomb
- Bobbie MkII - 30 Rep, $100 - Laughing Gas - Bot, Fly, Funny Bomb
Harley Thugs (Starter)
- Harley Thug 1 - 30 Rep, $300 - Chainsaw - Goad
- Harley Thug 2 - 21 Rep, $200 - Sawed Off Shotgun, Expansive
- Harley Thug 2 - 18 Rep, $0 - Jackhammer
Harley Thugs Set 1
- Harley Thug 4* - 16 Rep, $0 - Train Wrench
- Harley Thug 5* - 22 Rep, $250 - RPG - Imprecise, Anti-Tank
Harley Gatling Brute
- 49 Rep, $850 - Vulcan M61 - Invaluable, Anti-Tank, Ferocious
Tweedle Dee + Dum (Wonderland box)
- Dee - 30 Rep, $300 - Blastgun / Beam - Bodyguard
- Dum - 38 Rep, $600 - Assault Rifle - Bodyguard

Joker Gas


Arkham City
- 75 Rep, $0 - Umbrella Cannon, Umbrella Blade - Charismatic, Lord of Business
- 70 Rep, $0 - Knife, Umbrella - Boss's Orders, Survivor, Cruel

Sickle - (Penguin Boss)
- 67 Rep, $0 - Sickle - 360 Attack, Bodyguard, One Armed

Free Agents
Poison Ivy (Arkham City) - (Affinity)
- 97 Rep, $0 - Sprinkling Spores - Mortal Kiss, Chlorokenesis, Control Pheremones, Poison Immunity

Thugs (Penguin Starter)
- Blue Penguin* - 13 Rep, $0 - Shield - Protecting
- Royal Penguin - 24 Rep, $600 - Assault Rifle
- Emperor Penguin - 31 Rep, $0 - Electric Baton - Football Gear (Elite Penguin)
Thugs set 1
- Blue Penguin* - 13 Rep, $0 - Machete
- Blue Penguin* - 15 Rep, $300 - Auto Gun
Thugs set 2
- Savage Penguin - 26 Rep, $300 - Knife, SMG
- Ice Penguin - 25 Rep, $200 - Sawed off Shotgun
Thugs set 3
- Blue Penguin* - 17 Rep, $0 - Axe
- Conqueror Penguin - 35 Rep, $200 - Chain, Frag Grenade - Power Strike, Football Gear (Elite Penguin)
Titan Blue Penguin*
- 53 Rep, $0 - Reinforced Gloves - Sturdy, Brutal


Two Face - (Gangster Boss)
- 101 Rep, $0 - Thompson, Knuckles - Judgement, Bipolar MD, Master Marksman, Attorneys Allegation

Spice (Spice pack)
- 69 Rep, $0 - Whip - True Love: Dent, Acrobat, Boadyguard, Weapon Master, Teamwork: Sugar
Lieutenant Branden (Loeb pack) - (SWAT Boss, Corrupt)
- 53 Rep, $400 - MG - Arrest, Lantern

Two Face Crew Starter
- Zwoowz* - 20 Rep, $400 - MG
- Puooup* - 15 Rep, $0 - Mallet
- Twoowt* - 12 Rep, $0 - Knife
Two Face Crew set 1
- Mottom - 27 Rep, $0 - Axe - Fast
- Rottor - 30 Rep, $250 - Shotgun - Hardened, Follow Me!
Two Face Crew set 2
- Bob - 16 Rep, $150 - Gun
- Tot - 17 Rep, $100 - Shield, Petrol Bomb - Fire, Protecting
Two Face Thugs (Spice pack)
- 404 - 35 Rep, $0 - Bat - Devastating Blow, Gas Mask
- Ror - 26 Rep, $500 - Rocket Launcher - Anti-Tank, Exlosive, Aim, Gas Mask
- Ded - 20 Rep, $350 - Carbine - Gas Mask, Assault 3
Mobsters set 1 - (Elite Gangster)
- Boris - 33 Rep, $200 - Gun, Brass Knuckles
- Dirty Tom - 32 Rep, $350 - Thomson - Resilient
Mr. Pink (Tournament)
- 55 Rep, $0 - Gun - Bulletproof Vest, Rapid Fire, Primary Target: Loot


Arkham Origins
- 93 Rep, $0 - Reinforce Gloves
Arkham City
- 150 Rep, $0 - Reinforced Gloves - Titan Addict, Titan Dose x2, Primary Target Titan
DK Movie
- 96 Rep, $0 - Reinforced Gloves - Combo, Kill them!

Free Agents
Poison Ivy (Arkham City) - (Affinity)
- 97 Rep, $0 - Sprinkling Spores - Mortal Kiss, Chlorokenesis, Control Pheremones, Poison Immunity
White Rabbit (Wonderland box)
- 55 Rep, $0 - Long Spiked Heels - Acrobat, Bluff

Bane Thugs 1
- Venom Soldier - 57 Rep, $0 - Reinforced Gloves - Titan Dose x2, Bodyguard
- TNT - 43 Rep, $600 - Assault Rifle - Flak Armour (Elite: Soldier of Fortune)
Bane Mercs (Starter)
- McGregor - 27 Rep, $0 - Machete
- Smash - 30 Rep, $0 - Mace, Knife
- Dallas - 35 Rep, $600 - Assault Rifle
Bane Mercs Set 1
- Ted Hunter - 31 Rep, $250 - Shotgun, Knife
-Mohawk - 30 Rep, $0 - Ice Axe x2 - Combo


Poison Ivy - (Plants Boss)
- 83 Rep, $0 - Toxic Nails - Poison Immunity, Acrobat, Control Pheromones
Arkham City
- 97 Rep, $0 - Sprinkling Spores - Mortal Kiss, Chlorokenesis, Control Pheremones, Poison Immunity

Swamp Thing - (Plants Boss)
- 150 Rep, $0 - Spikes, Altered Limb - Roots, Green Travel, Regeneration, Vulnerable to Fire

Free Agents
Harley Quinn (Comic) - (Affinity)
- 75 Rep, $0 - Mallet - Acrobat, 360 with Mallet
- 73 Rep, $350 - Auto Gun x2 - Exhaustive Planner, Hidden Boss

(Plants are up to 3 per 200 Rep)
Plants (starter) - (Elite Plants)
- Creeper* - 16 Rep, $0 - Creeper - Plant Special Traits
- Spore* - 20 Rep, $150 - Spore Sheath - Plant Special Traits
- Plant* - 10 Rep, $0 - Root - Plant Special Traits
Borj (Tournament) - (Elite Plants)
- 50 Rep, $150 - Poisoned Thorns, Rain of Spores - Control Pheremones, Poison Master


Ra's al Ghul - (Ninja Boss)
Arkham City
- 125 Rep, $0 - Soultaker Sword - Weapon Master, Precise Blow, Immortal
Movie Neeson
- 120 Rep, $0 - Sword - Deathly Strike, Sustained Defense

Nyssa al Ghul - (Ninja Boss)
- 83 Rep, $300 - Bow, Kruki - Hoow Arrow, Good Aim, Acrobat, Master Marksman
Talia al Ghul (Arkham City) - (Ninja Boss)
- 71 Rep, $0 - Katana - Acrobat, Sneak Attack
Talia al Ghul (Comic)
- 75 Rep, $250 - Mauser Gun - Business Agent, Get'em, Acrobat
Talia al Ghul (Tournament) - (Ninja Boss)
- 62 Rep, $100 - Knife, Hand Crossbow - Acrobat
Lady Shiva
- 85 Rep, $0 - Reinforced Gloves - Combo, Tracking, Acrobat
Bane (DK Movie)
- 96 Rep, $0 - Reinforced Gloves - Combo, Kill them!

Free Agents
Scarecrow (DK Movie)
- 60 Rep, $200 - Drug Spray - Death or Exile
Shadowstorm (Tournament) - (Elite Ninja)
- 85 Rep, $0 - Katana - Acrobat, Fast, Stealth
Hugo Strange
- 44 Rep, $0 - Arkham Dr, Subliminal Suggestion, Psychiatrist

Ninjas (Ra's Starter) - (Elite Ninja)
- Ying - 30 Rep, $0 - Katana - Climbing Shoes
- Yang - 31 Rep, $0 - Katana - Combo
- Lotus - 48 Rep, $100 - Katana, Shuriken - Dodge, Rapid Fire
Ninjas set 1 - (Elite Ninja)
- Seeker - 27 Rep, $200 - Bow, Poison Arrow - Good Aim
- Shadow - 26 Rep, $100 - Bo, Smoke Bomb - Undercover, Sneak Attack
League Agents (Shiva Box)
- Agent 1 - 21 Rep, $0 - Kama - Sustained Defense
- Agent 2 - 20 Rep, $100 - Knife, Throwing Knife - Undercover
- Agent 3 - 23 Rep, $0 - Katana - Fast
Bane Mercs (Starter)
- McGregor - 27 Rep, $0 - Machete
- Smash - 30 Rep, $0 - Mace, Knife
- Dallas - 35 Rep, $600 - Assault Rifle
Bane Mercs Set 1
- Ted Hunter - 31 Rep, $250 - Shotgun, Knife
-Mohawk - 30 Rep, $0 - Ice Axe x2 - Combo


Black Mask - (Gangster Boss)
- 79 Rep, $0 - Personal Gun, Explosive Grenade - No Mercy!

Lieutenant Branden (Loeb pack) - (SWAT Boss, Corrupt)
- 53 Rep, $400 - MG - Arrest, Lantern

Free Agents
Hugo Strange
- 44 Rep, $0 - Arkham Dr, Subliminal Suggestion, Psychiatrist

Mask Thugs starter
- Mesh - 22 Rep, $600 - Assault Rifle
- Goon* - 16 Rep, $0 - Brass Knuckles
- Anatloy- 33 Rep, $0 - Knife - Football Gear
Mask Thugs Set 1
- Goon 2* - 15 Rep, $0 - Baseball Bat
- Mule Goon* - 27 Rep, $0
Mobsters set 1 - (Elite Gangster)
- Boris - 33 Rep, $200 - Gun, Brass Knuckles
- Dirty Tom - 32 Rep, $350 - Thomson - Resilient
Mr. Pink (Tournament)
- 55 Rep, $0 - Gun - Bulletproof Vest, Rapid Fire, Primary Target: Loot


Killer Frost
- 70 Rep, $150 - Ice Daggers - Chill Touch


Riddler (Arkham Knight)
- 85 Rep, $0 - ? Baton - Bot Mechanic, 2+ Clues
Riddler's Mech
- 123 Rep, $0 - Mech Claw, Laser Cannon - Bot Bomb, Energy Field, 4+ Clues, Cybernetic

Free Agents
- 73 Rep, $350 - Auto Gun x2 - Exhaustive Planner, Hidden Boss
Hugo Strange - Free Agent
- 44 Rep, $0 - Arkham Dr, Subliminal Suggestion, Psychiatrist

Riddler Bots (Starter box)
- Bot Mk 1* - 17 Rep, $0 - End 4, 4+ Clue
Riddler Bots (Army Set 1)
- Bot Mk 2* - 19 Rep, $0 - End 3, 3+ Clue
- Bot Mk 3* - 20 Rep, $0 - End 6, 5+ Clue
Jhonny-6 (Tournament)
- 45 Rep, $0 - Hidden Blade - Bodyguard, Bot, Desesitized, EMP


Scarecrow (Arkham Knight)
- 80 Rep, $0 - Syringe Fear Claw - Gas Mask, Fear Master, Inspire Fear

Arkham Knight - (Militia Brute Boss) - (Must be highest Rep model in crew)
- 95 Rep, $500 - Auto Gun, Combined Sniper Guns - Acrobat, Kevlar Vest, Rapid Fire
Deathstroke (Origins)
- 145 Rep, $250 - Auto Gun, Bo, Sword - Soul Armour

Free Agents
- 73 Rep, $350 - Auto Gun x2 - Exhaustive Planner, Hidden Boss

Militia (Scarecrow starter)
- Commander 1 - 33 Rep, $300 - Auto Gun, Smoke Grenade - Expert Marksman, Kill Them
- Militia 1 - 22 Rep, $350 - Carbine - Shooter, Assault 3
- Militia 2 - 15 Rep, $0 - Knife
Militia Set 1
- Militia Medic - 21 Rep, $0 - Surgical Knife - Medic
- Militia 4 - 29 Rep, $500 - Rocket Launcher - Anit-Tank, Explosive, Aim, Good Aim
Militia Brute 1 - (Elite Militia Brute)
- 40 Rep, $0 - Long Electric Baton x2 - Gas Mask, Cybernetic, Light Armour
Militia Gatling Brute - (Elite Militia Brute)
- 53 Rep, $850 - Vulcan M-61 - Cybernetic, Gas Mask, Anti-tank, Imprecise, Invaluable

Wonderland Gang

Mad Hatter
- 75 Rep, $0 - .60 Cal Gun, - Mind Control Device

Free Agents
White Rabbit (Wonderland box)
- 55 Rep, $0 - Long Spiked Heels - Acrobat, Bluff

Tweedle Dee + Dum (Wonderland box)
- Dee - 30 Rep, $300 - Blastgun / Beam - Bodyguard
- Dum - 38 Rep, $600 - Assault Rifle - Bodyguard


Red Hood (Comic)
- 84 Rep, $400 - Auto Gun x2 - Acrobat, Gunman, Kevlar Vest, Instinctive Shooting
Penguin (Gotham)
- 70 Rep, $0 - Knife, Umbrella - Boss's Orders, Survivor, Cruel
Comissioner Loeb - (SWAT Boss, Corrupt)
- 70 Rep, $0 - Handgun - Comissioner, Public Resources
Lieutenant Branden (Loeb pack) - (SWAT Boss)
- 53 Rep, $400 - MG - Arrest, Lantern

Free Agents
Hugo Strange
- 44 Rep, $0 - Arkham Dr, Subliminal Suggestion, Psychiatrist

Mobsters set 1 - (Elite Gangster)
- Boris - 33 Rep, $200 - Gun, Brass Knuckles
- Dirty Tom - 32 Rep, $350 - Thomson - Resilient
Mr. Pink (Tournament)
- 55 Rep, $0 - Gun - Bulletproof Vest, Rapid Fire, Primary Target: Loot


Talia al Ghul (Comic)
- 75 Rep, $250 - Mauser Gun - Business Agent, Get'em, Acrobat

(More on these soon as the new FlArrow books get delivered)
All characters, no Henchmen. Each team has additional rules and VP scoring.

Teen Titans
Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
Damien Wayne
Kid Flash
Jason Todd
Robin (Tim Drake)
Roy Harper

Sucide Squad
Black Manta
Captain Boomerang
The Riddler
Harley Quinn
Killer Frost
Joker's Daughter
Killer Croc
Reverse Flash

Birds of Prey
Black Canary
Batgirl (Barbara Gordon)
Lady Shiva
Poison Ivy

Secret Six
Bane (Arkham Origins)
Harley Quinn
Mad Hatter

All of the rules for these models can be found on the Knight Models page.
Next to the packs price called "Product Data Sheet"
Let me know if you spot any mistakes.

- Hendybadger

Monday 26 January 2015

Gotham City Campaign Map for Batman

After a discussion in the Arkham City Limits Facebook Group, I thought it would be a good idea to set up a campaign map for the Batman Minis game from Knight Models. (Thanks to Kieron, David and Jack)

The map below has Gotham City split into several areas with most of the important places marked.
The idea is to have each Crew and Free Agent start in a different area. New releases will be added as and when they come out.

Still working on the rules ideas for the campagin but I thought this would be a good start. Feel free to use it however you like or suggest any changes.

 (click map for larger view)
You can find a larger version of this map HERE.

Crew / Leader: Batman
Sidekicks: Nightwing, Green Arrow
Free Agents: Robin (Drake), Robin (Damian)


Free Agents: Lobo

Crew / Leader: Joker
Sidekicks: Harley Quinn, Mr Hammer

Free Agents: Black Canary

Free Agents: Copperhead

Crew / Leader: Wonderland Gang / Mad Hatter

Crew / Leader: Watchmen
Members: Silk Spectre, Rorschach, Comedian, Niteowl, Ozymandias

Crew / Leader: Scarecrow
Free Agents: Scarecrow

Free Agents: Soloman Grundy

Free Agents: Deadshot

Free Agents: Deathstroke

Crew / Leader: Court of Owls

Free Agents: Catwoman

Free Agents: Clayface

Free Agents: Riddler

Crew / Leader: Poison Ivy
Sidekicks: Swamp Thing
Free Agents: Harley Quinn (Comic)

Crew / Leader: Organised Crime
Sidekicks: Red Hood

Crew / Leader: Black Mask

Free Agents: Killer Croc

Crew / Leader: Bane

Crew / Leader: Mr Freeze
Free Agents: Mr Freeze

Free Agents: Huntress

Crew / Leader: League of Shadows / Ra's al Ghul
Sidekicks: Talia al Ghul, Nyssa al Ghul
Free Agents: Scarecrow (DKR)

Crew / Leader: Law Forces / Com Gordon
Sidekicks: Batgirl, Batwoman

Crew / Leader: Two Face

Crew / Leader: Green Arrow / Arrow
Sidekicks: Speedy

Crew / Leader: Penguin
Sidekicks: Sickle

Free Agents: Victor Zsasz

- Hendybadger

Friday 23 January 2015

Batman Model Review - Arrow Nyssa al Ghul + Arkham City Ra's al Ghul

Today's review is a couple of people that have caused several problems for Arrow and Batman in the past.
Nyssa al Ghul from the CW series Arrow and Ra's al Ghul from the Arkham City console game.
The League of Assassins / Shadows have just become a lot more dangerous!

Packaging is the usual Knight Models blister packs. Foam holding the model parts in place and a backing car showing a painted version of the model which also doubles up as the game stat card.
There is something a little different this time though.On the bottom right corner if Nyssa's card is the CW Arrow logo! The first model from this series in the game so far (Arrow out this month) so I wonder how many more we will see?

In the packs you will find two 30mm plastic bases, two new design fold out stat cards and two highly detailed, 35mm scale, multipart metal models.

Ra's al Ghul , Head of the Demon, is a new Leader for the League. 125 Rep $0 with Willpower 8 and average to high stats. He's expensive but well worth it once you look at his weapon and Traits.
His Soultaker Sword gives 2 Blood damage each time and removes an opponents Willpower. On top of that he also has Weapon Master on it.
His other Traits are Elite Boss: Ninjas, Grand Strategist, Immortal, Martial Artist, Mastermind, Precise Blow, Undercover and Veteran. You are going to need to throw a LOT at Ra's to stop him.

Nyssa al Ghul, Heir to the Demon, is Ra's' daughter and new League Sidekick. 83 Rep and $300 means shes another expensive choice but again, worth taking once you look at what she can do.
Willpower 6 and average stats don't look like much. But add in her 2 Blood Bow, Kruki knife, Acrobat, Good Aim, Hook Arrow, Martial Artist, Master Marksman, Reflexes and Stealth and you have a great fighter who can get any where, shoot anyone and hold her own in close combat.

A closer look at the parts.
Nyssa has main body, quiver, bow arm and arrow arm.
Ra's has main body, head, sword arm and small left arm.

A VERY close look at the two bodies for mould lines and issues shows that there is almost nothing.
These were so quick and easy to clean up and get ready to build.

Building these was fairly simple. The parts all slotted together easily with only minimal gaps that may need a little filling. They each had something I'm not keen on though, metal parts that need lining up and gluing in two or more places at the same time. Grrrrr! It's probably because I have huge hands, but I can never seem to get parts like that in the right place.
Ra's' arms need to be glued at the shoulders and wrist at the same time to get them to line up properly. Nyssa has the same with her arrow arms attaching at the shoulder and the top of the quiver.
Although these type of parts annoy me, they do give stunning poses. Both of the models look to be in the middle of drawing their weapons and joining the fight.
Ra's does have the old 'foot on rock' thing going on but again it adds to the pose and can easily be removed and replaced if you wanted to. I decided to hide it behind some rubble.
Nyssa is standing on the edge of a rooftop. I can't decide if I like this or not. It does add to the character of the piece really well but at the same time it doesn't really tie in with the rest of the crew. I ended up basing it on the floor so it looks like it's a bit more rubble.

Each of these models cost roughly £12. Not bad for characters compared to several other popular games. Especially when these are bigger, very detailed and licensed.

Nyssa and Ra's add some serious skills to the League of Shadows / Assassins and if used together, they are over half of a standard sized crew on thier own.
If you want to use them together in the League, a list to look at could be-

Ra's al Ghul - 125 Rep
Nyssa al Ghul - 83 Rep - $300
Seeker Ninja - 27 Re- - $200
Ying Ninja - 30 Rep
Yang Ninja - 31 Rep
Lotus Ninja - 48 Rep - $100

That gives you a crew of 344 Rep and $600. Leaving you with $900 to spread some useful equipment between the four Ninjas. Nyssa would appreciate an Ammo Crate objective placed some where hard to reach with a good vantage point as well.

I do like both of these releases. They make me want to use the League which I didn't really want to use at all before. Probably because it was Dark Knight movie based and I'm not really a fan of those movies.
I can forgive the multi-glue parts as that is balanced by giving them great poses.
All in all I would score them -

Nyssa al Ghul - 8 / 10 Badger Points

Ra's al Ghul - 8 / 10 Badger Points

If you like the League or want some enemies to face Batman and the Arrow, I would recommend picking up both of these.

What are your thoughts on these two?

- Hendybadger

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Batman Model Review - Black Canary and Speedy / Arsenal

I think it's about time I caught up with the Knight Models reviews on here.
By the time I have covered the Nov and Dec releases, it will be time for the Jan ones to arrive!

First up are two of Green Arrows partners in crime fighting. Black Canary and Speedy / Arsenal.

The models come in the usual Knight Models blister packs. Parts held in tightly with foam and the stat card also acts as the display side showing a lovely painted example of each model.
Inside you will find....

Two 30mm bases, two new design fold out stat cards and two multipart, high detailed 35mm scale metal miniatures.

Black Canary is a 69 Rep $0 Free Agent for Green Arrow. An Eratta has also added Batman to her affiliation so she can also be used in a Birds of Prey crew with Batgirl and Huntress.
As a close combat specialist, shes comes with Martial Artist, Acrobat, Hidden and Technique. While shes doesn't have any weapons, Canary can still dish out Stun Damage with her bare hands.

Speedy / Aresenal is a 74 Rep $200 Sidekick for the Green Arrow crew. This is not a man you want to get in the way of. Standard Arrows with 2 Blood Damage and an Explosive Arrow combined with Rapid Fire means he is fully kitted out for taking down even the largest enemies at range.
With the Red Hood out this month, I hope he will also work with Speedy as an Outlaws crew would be great. Then I just need to start begging for Starfire!

A closer look at the parts for each.
Speedy has a main body, head, quiver, bow arm and arrow arm.
Black Canary has a main body, head and two arms.

As you can see on the bodies, neither of the models really had any mould lines to worry about. A quick run over each with a file and they were ready to build.

The builds for each models were fairly simple. Both models arm tabs needed  little trim to fit snug but that's something I expect to do with metal models anyway so it wasn't really an issue.
For these models I have removed the base tabs and placed them on resin toppers to match the rest of my collection.
Do be careful with Speedys bow though, the part where the bow and hand meet is easy to bend so I expect it would be just as easy to break. The size means it wouldn't be easy easy to fix!
Honestly, my only complaint for either would be the classic 'foot on rock'! To be fair, it would be easy enough to remove and replace with something more street-like and it does give each an awesome action pose.

I wanted to sow this stunning painted image again as it's Knight Models own copies and the photo was taken by Luis and Celso, the graphic designer and community manager, specifically for this review! (Thank You!)

Each of these models is going to cost you roughly £12. Maybe a little more or less depending on where you buy them. That's about the normal character price for the other big games on the market, plus these are amazingly high detail, a larger scale and licensed. To me £12 is fine. I wouldn't complain if they were cheaper, but who would?

While they haven't had a Leader to be used with yet, the end of this month sees the Arrow from the CWs hit show so you can expect some killer crews to be out there soon.

Arrow - 125 Rep
Speedy - 74 Rep - $200
Canary - 69 Rep
Huntress - 66 Rep - $100
Baton Cop - 16 Rep (Could pass for Diggle)
This gives you a low model count but dangerous looks 350 Rep crew. You will have some $$$ spare but I wouldn't worry about that with the amount of arrows that will be flying about. Make sure you take an Ammo Crate objective and hope you opponent has one as well.

Overall, I LOVE these two models. Great sculpts, great rules, easy to build but each has foot on rock.
The scores are going to be......

Speedy - 9 / 10 Badger Points

Black Canary - 8 / 10 Badger Points

I would highly recommend picking up both of these!

What do you think of them?

Next up, the Al Ghuls!

- Hendybadger
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