Crossover Miniatures (link) are planning a stunning range of new Super Hero, Villain and Henchman models with several different heads. You can create the Super you have always wanted to!
But they need your help to get going. Thier
Kickstarter project page asks people to pleadge a small amount bu the deadline in the middle of Jan. If the target has been hit by then, the project will be fully funded and you will recieve an amount of minis that depends on the amount you pledged.
If the target isnt met, nobody gets charged a penny and the minis never happen.
We dont want that to be the case!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will go over to the complete listing of the project now from Rusti -
Super Heroes you can
modify? Villains to suit
your needs? Henchmen built to fit you
unique villain? Let's make it happen!
What We are Going to Make for You
Our vision is to produce 8 Heroes/Villains with three head options apiece (for a total of 8 models and 24 different heads). The heads will be generally universal to bodies of the same general size. We also plan a unit of four henchman with three head options apiece, so that's three different types of henchmen from the same body.
A special treat for our kickstarter supporters will be the inclusion of all three heads for each model. After the kickstarter is over, models will be sold with only one head option.
We'd love to bring a fantastic new range of Super Hero miniatures to the public. Many of those available today are the Intellectual Property of large companies. We'd like to change that by sculpting and producing high quality Super Hero Miniatures that you can bring to life yourself.
Ever spent time looking for the perfect Super Villain but couldn't find exactly what you were looking for? How about coming up with the perfect Super Hero but all you could find were different version of the big names in comic books? Now is your chance to make this happen.
Old School Hero
One body, many heads, endless possibilities.
We are envisioning a range of modifiable Super Heroes, Villains and Henchmen to fill the voids found all over the comic universe. When possible, our miniatures will have interchangeable heads so you can personalize them to your own tastes. Think that hero would look better with a full face mask? How about some wings on the side of his head? What would he look like with an old school eye mask?
Super Soldier with Different Head Options
Henchmen Too
Our Henchmen will fit the bill as well. First we'll create some universal bodies that will work will in many different situation, then we'll produce a number of different heads so you can create the perfect Henchmen for your Super Villains. Need hooded minions? How about hard hats? Masks and helmets? We are going to bring some flexible muscle to the table with these guys.
If we raise more money than our goal, expect more henchmen with the initial release and a slew of new heads.
Henchman with Good and Evil Head Options
Get Involved and Bring Your Desires to Life
To take this even further, our artist will collaborate with up to 9 lucky supporters to create a Hero or Villain from their imagination.
- Benevolent Overlord - 3 supporters will work with us to create figures that will go into production. You give us the concept and a few uniform pointers and our sculptor will create his interpretation of your instructions and one head option. We'd like to make you as happy as possible, but we will retain some creative control on the final product. Want total control? Go for Intergalactic Megalomaniacal Overlord.
- Intergalactic Megalomaniacal Overlord - 6 supporters will communicate with the artist and receive his best interpretation of the instructions you send him and receive a One-Of-a-Kind miniature! This could be a character you have envisioned years ago or any character you would like! Our only requirements are that it's a 28-30mm figure roughly man sized. Other than that, bring your imagination to life and get some fun stuff while you're doing it. If you'd like to share your creation with the world, and we like your concept, we can talk about putting him into production and then you will receive 10 miniatures of your creation to hoard or share with friends.

Our Appeal to You
To show what is possible, w
e have created these three super hero/villain bodies and one henchman body with three heads apiece. We need the help of the Kickstarter supporters to pay for the rest of the sculpting, producing molds, and the initial cost of the metal for the Kickstarter production run.
Hendybadger here again,
What about those minis you get for supporting the project? Well,

Low Level Thug - When you are not shaking down store owners, you're the guy who get's the coffee when the boss needs it. Supporters of this level will receive any two miniatures of their choice from the range shipped to your door. Please see shipping info for shipping outside USA.
Estimated Delivery: Jun 2012
Henchman - You get the big jobs, like attacking heroes in a swarm and guarding doors. Supports of this level will receive any five figures from the range.
Estimated Delivery: Jun 2012
Hero - You can handle the bad guys by yourself and rescue kittens from trees with no problems. Supporters of this level will receive any five Hero/Villain figures and a set (4) of Henchmen.
Estimated Delivery: Jun 2012
Super Hero - You fly, you shoot lasers, you bust up bad guys. It's good to be the Hero. You get the 8 planned heroes/villains and a set (4) of henchmen.
Estimated Delivery: Jun 2012
Super Villain - One of everything is obviously not enough for you, you must have more Henchman to carry out your plans! One of all the Super Hero/Villain characters and three sets (12) of Henchmen. If we generate more funding than our goal and produce more figures, you get one of each item produced at that time as well.
Estimated Delivery: Jun 2012
Creative Super Villain - One of everything is obviously not enough for you either, you must have more Henchman to carry out your plans! One of all the Super Hero/Villain characters and three sets (12) of Henchmen. If we generate more funding than our goal and produce more figures, you get one of each item produced at that time as well. You will also get a chance to write an original back-story for one of the heroes created, this will be placed with the hero in the store.
Estimated Delivery: Jun 2012
Benevolent Overlord - You could obviously run the planet much better than those in power now, if only they didn't make you take over by force. Everything from the Super Villain level plus you get to work with the creative team to help bring one of the figures to life. Have a Super Hero/Villain in your head waiting to bust out? This could be your chance to bring him to life! In addition you will be listed on the web site as the "secret identity" of the character you create.
Estimated Delivery: Jun 2012
Intergalactic Megalomaniacal Overlord - Why would you stop at just ruling the Earth, that's small potatoes compared to what you have in mind. Everything from the Super Villain level, PLUS a One-Of-A-Kind figure sculpted by our artist to your specifications! Any figure or concept that you like (see the blurb below), all just for you. In addition you will be listed on the web site as the "secret identity" of the of one of the heroes (first come, first serve to the first five backers at this level).
Estimated Delivery: Jun 2012
How great does this whole project look?
Theres only one thing that could make it any better.
Super Stig!!!!!
Tell me thats not AWESOME! Without lying!
See. You cant!
What do you think of the whole thing?
Hendybadger out