Friday, 1 April 2016

Avengers vs Guardians IN SPAAAAAAACE!!!!!!

I landed a new Bespin game mat for X-Wing the other day and it instantly gave me an idea.

In the comics, the Avengers, Guardians and others are often seen floating around in space. Could I pull this off for a game board?

I grabbed my trusty Gale Force 9 Badlands rocks, a couple of toy ships and came up with this asteroid belt set up.

For an idea of scale and such we have Thor and Ironman vs Starlord and Nova.

What do you think?
Is this something you want to try?

- Hendybadger


  1. Looks good from a visual standpoint. How would you handle movement?

    1. Starting off as per normal but going to play about with ranges.

  2. Inspired! Also...very jealous of your GF9 Badlands pieces! Almost impossible to find these days.

    1. They were a lucky find that have been used in almost everything since

  3. I've seen the Quinjet kicking around a fair bit across the Facebook page, but I'm dying to find out where you got the Milano toy from. Where did you find it Hendy?

    1. It was Toys R Us I think. Picked it up ages ago when the movie came out.


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