Thursday, 14 February 2013

Batman Miniatures Game - English Rules!

Happy Valentines day to all gamers and gaming widows!

And what a better start to the day than finding out that the Batman Miniatures Game now has ENGLISH rules!

Thanks to the Mistycball Blog you can find them HERE (link)

Think I might have to get a couple of the minis now. 

Let us know what you think of them. 

Hendybadger awaaaaaaaaaaaay!


  1. Been looking forward to these for ages!

    I had a read through this morning. Unfortunately I found so many mistakes and poor translation that I had to stop reading. That's the curse of being a graphic designer and proofreader for a living!

    1. Maybe you could read them bit by bit?
      Keep the frustration to a minimum.

    2. As a product it should be as accessible as possible in order to be a success but alas, as lovely as it all looks, I don't have the will to persevere with something so unpolished – too much like hard work. Really rather gutted.

      I'd be happy to proofread it for them!

    3. Make them an offer?
      Hopefully something cleaner will come along

  2. Any one know why the "Tough" weapon ability doesn't exist in the rules? I think it might have been replaced with "Heavy" but that's not what is on the stat cards?

    1. Hi there errr.... yup too many mistakes:

      Heavy=Tough and heavy disapears.
      The Tough trait must be named Resilient....

      I'm surprised too i think the archive it's not the real final version and it was a mistake...

      My apologise.

    2. Thanks for that Gustavo, I am trying to playtest the rules at the moment. You did a great job of capturing the feel of Batman. I have noticed when I play as Batman it is very thematic, I feel like Batman when I Bat Grapple around the board and beatdown a few henchmen :)

      Sorry to be a pain but Harley Quinn's "Disarray" ability seems to have gone missing too. Is this "Disorder" in the rules?

      I am sure some erratas and fixes will pop up soon to amend the discrepancies. Thanks again.

    3. Yup Disorder is Disarray.

      I need time to do the erratas and fixes.

    4. Do you think a fixed version will be added Gustavo or will it be an Errata?

      When something new gets posted, let me know and I will make sure its shared around.

    5. `Sure Hendy, thanks for all.

    6. No worries. I will post up anything you like to do with the game.

      Just hope I can grab some of the minis soon and actually give it a try

  3. £13 a figure? *cough*

    I wonder how many they'll sell at those prices.

    1. Not sure to be honest.
      Some places have them for about £11 but even that is pushing it for most people

    2. Lots of small-scale skirmish games are clocking in at around this these days. The way I see it, there will not be Batman figures as nice as these ever again. Plus of course, the packs with two figures in are the same price as those with one, and the gang starter sets average about £6 per figure, so it's not much of a grind unless you want to buy every figure.

    3. With them being that nice, I think several people want to buy all of them!

    4. This is true!! Just a quick query- is anyone else noticing that the knight models website won't let them log into their account, or create a new one? Might just be me as I have not seen this issue anywhere else.

  4. Not got an account on there yet.
    Will give it a try

  5. i like the rules and the translation wasnt hard to work around at all.. however i cannot find a few rules from jokers band upgrade list. BENGAL,THROWER and MISLEAD.. kinda annoying

    1. Gustavo might be able to help.
      Looks like some wording has been changed in the translation.

    2. Did you find out what thrower was? I have found the others around the web but not that one.


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