Saturday, 11 August 2012

Hobby and Competition Update (Updated)

There has been a lot of news and such on here recently and not very much about what I'm doing in my own hobby.
That's mainly due to the time I have had. Which as you can guess, has been not very much.

But I didn't mange to get some Merc Warjack conversion done recently.
The first 3 of many to come.
A converted Buccaneer with a porthole style head, Running Mariner with Freebooter head and legs and a plodding Freebooter with Mariner head and legs.

Here is the next plan. A Piratey Vanguard. Only waiting for a bit to arrive.
EDIT: This will be followed by Captain Bartolo, Fiona the Black, a converted Mariner and a Mariner/Rociante conversion

I have also started to paint finally.
First up with my new attempt and painting properly, Necrplanes Dr.Tenebrous, Doom Train and Night Fright from Pulp City.
(store pics, not mine)

EDIT: I am also going to be painting the Necroplane Minions. Necro GIs. Again these are the studio painted minis, not my own.

EDIT: For my Pulp City building, I have 4 models on the table. BIG ones.
2 official PC Monsters (Dino and Daemon), a 6.5" UFO and a huge Steampunk Dragon. Getting ready for the 'soon to be released' Pulp City Monster Rules.

On the topic of Pulp City, there is still a week to enter the competition to win £70 of Pulp City or £60 of Reapers Chronoscope. All you need to do is think up a Hero or Villain of your own.
Full Details >>HERE<<

That's all for now,
Hendybadger awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!


  1. Those Mariner guys remind me so much of villains from my kids Scooby-Doo Wii game! And I mean that in a very good way - that game is very clever.

    Looking forward to seeing the finished product.

    1. There are more to come aswell. Converting ALL of my Merc Jacks to that look.
      Have you seen the Cryx Revenant Crew?
      I always think they look like Scooby Doo villains. Again, in a good way!

  2. Nice paint jobs there.. and the conversions are looking great also.

    1. Those are the official Pulp City paint jobs M R Lee, just to show off the minis. Mine will hopefully be similar though.

      More conversions to come. Some more extreme ones at that


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