Wednesday, 31 August 2011
A Question for all my Readers..........
I have been thinking about my blog. And the sort of things people would like to see on it.
I have also started to venture into a couple of other small skirmish tabletop games.
So the question to all my followers, veiwers, random clickers and people who happen to stumble apon this post is -
Would you like to see some other games on here aswell or would you rather I kept to just Warmachine and Hordes?
If you want to see others I will alter the name a little obviously. And I was thinking about adding
Pulp City - Alternate Earth modern super heros and villains - Pulp City models + news and my own models, games, reveiws and such
Malifaux - Alternate dimension vitorian horror/steampunk - My own models, games and thoughts.
And Maybe (if people want to see it)
Cutlass / Legends of the High Seas - Historical and fantasy Pirates
Necromunda - Using Heresy miniatures
What do you think?
It wouldnt be instead of Privateer Press but as well as. (I couldnt give up my Mercs and Minions. Love them too much)
Shoot me a comment below and let me know.
Or even let me know what sort of Warmachine and Hordes posts you would like to see on here.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Hendybadger out
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Plastic Trollbloods Warbeasts and Circle Orboros Battle Engine spotted at PAX
Bell of Lost Souls posted up 2 VERY nice pictures yesterday from PAX.
Plastic Troll Warbeasts and the finished Circle Battle Engine.
What do you think?
Plastic Troll Warbeasts and the finished Circle Battle Engine.
What do you think?
Friday, 26 August 2011
Breast Cancer Brawl - Prizes Update
The planning for the Breast Cancer Brawl at North Cornwall Beasts and Bionics is going well. And the rules and entry will be up in the next couple of days.
But until then, how about an update on the prizes we have been donated for the event?
Including who donated them....
A Signed copy of Warmachine: Wrath - Guts and Gears Podcast
Warmachine: Wrath Faction and Championship coins - North Cornwall Beasts and Bionics
Grind Boxed Game - Tales of a PG Blog
(A Huge thanks to those that have donated. Going to hopefully help alot of people)
And the top prize
A £100 Voucher for Wayland Games from Wayland themselves (which we are very very greatful for)
We are also awaiting confirmation for a couple of prizes including Signed Privateer Press art prints and a Steamroller prize kit.
And hopefully more.......
There are also afew people painting up minis in pink for our 'Painting Pink' contest and auction. Pics of those to come when they are finished.
Still dont want to stop there though. If you attend or own a gaming club, site or store (or even if you dont) and would like to support the cause and help with a prize or pink minis we would be very greatful.
Its all for an amazing cause, and the more we can raise for it the better.
All contact details can be found >>HERE<<
More on this as we hear it
Hendybadger out
But until then, how about an update on the prizes we have been donated for the event?
Including who donated them....
A Signed copy of Warmachine: Wrath - Guts and Gears Podcast
Warmachine: Wrath Faction and Championship coins - North Cornwall Beasts and Bionics
Grind Boxed Game - Tales of a PG Blog
(A Huge thanks to those that have donated. Going to hopefully help alot of people)
And the top prize
A £100 Voucher for Wayland Games from Wayland themselves (which we are very very greatful for)
We are also awaiting confirmation for a couple of prizes including Signed Privateer Press art prints and a Steamroller prize kit.
And hopefully more.......
There are also afew people painting up minis in pink for our 'Painting Pink' contest and auction. Pics of those to come when they are finished.
Still dont want to stop there though. If you attend or own a gaming club, site or store (or even if you dont) and would like to support the cause and help with a prize or pink minis we would be very greatful.
Its all for an amazing cause, and the more we can raise for it the better.
All contact details can be found >>HERE<<
More on this as we hear it
Hendybadger out
Thursday, 25 August 2011
A Breast Cancer Brawl Help Appeal - Can You Help?
You might have noticed on here that my local club, North Cornwall Beasts and Bioncis, is hosting Cornwalls first Breats Cancer Brawl in October. (I have mentioned it once or twice)
There is also going to be a 'Painting Pink' contest and auction. People can enter any PP models they like into the painting contest for the cance to win some very nice prizes.
All entries will then be auctioned off on the day or on a ebay chariy auction if they dont go.
Every penny raised from this event will br going to the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Mermaid cancer centre.
And I mean EVERY penny. The entry fees, cheat donations, auctioned models and anything else people donate on the day.
All the prizes for the event are being donated. The ones we have been offered so far are-
Steamroller Prize Kit - PP UK / Cerberus
Wrath Warmachine Coin Kit - NCBB
Grind Boxed game - PG hendybadger
Signed Copy of Wrath - Guts and Gears podcast
Several 'Pink' minis - players that cant make the day (more on those soon)
Dont want to stop there though.
Onto the topic of this post
We are calling out for any help we can get. We have some nice prizes so far but the more we have, the more money we can raise for such a great charity.
If you attend, run, own or even just know a club/store/website that would be willing to help out then please get in touch.
Or if you would like to do a Pink models for the auction yourself we would be very greatful.
To help out you can contact myself (Ian Henderson / PG hendybadger) on here,my email, the PP forums or the Warmachine South West Facebook page in the top right box >>>>
Or North Cornwall Beasts and Bionics on thier Facebook page (top right again>>>>) or thier email
Any and all help is appreciated. Even if its help spreading the world about this event.
Thank you in advance
Hendybadger out
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Journeyman League in Todays PP Insider
Privateer Insider Blog has info on the upcoming Journeyman SLow Grow League today. Including the prize patches!
You can see the entire post >>HERE<< or below.
The wait is nearly over. The new Journeyman slow-grow league is almost upon us! This format is the perfect venue for new recruits to get their battlegroups on the battlefield and for seasoned veterans to try their hands at a new faction.
This league will take players from a battlegroup box set all the way up to a full 35-point army of their own design. As players earn ranks, they are also competing for three separate awards: Destroyer, Creator, and Journeyman. I think the Creator award is especially cool, as it is awarded for the player with the most Hobby points. What are Hobby points? You gain those by painting your new force!
Concerned that you want to start a faction that doesn’t have an official battlegroup box set? Don’t be! We’ve created battlegroup equivalents for every faction, including Mercenary contracts and Minion pacts. Whether you want to join the Blindwater Congregation or sign up for the Khador Empire, we’ve got you covered.
We’re so excited about this event that we’re going to be holding a staff Journeyman league. Community Coordinator Simon Berman will be posting all the details in upcoming Insiders.
Personally, I’ll be starting a Thornfall Alliance force. I already own everything currently released for the Blindwater Congregation, so I might as well go all in and complete my Minions collection. Week 1 begins with battlegroup games only, so I’ll be looking to make the most out of Lord Carver, his War Hog, and his two Gun Boars.
I’m really excited about switching casters later in the league, I can’t wait to play the new farrow warlock Sturm & Drang. It’s going to be awesome to figure out creative ways to get the most out of his spell list … both of them.
Anyway, look for upcoming Insiders to see who walks away a Journeyman, and who limps away crying.
Oh yeah, and here’s what the Journeyman prizes look like. Kind of snazzy don’t you think?

Thats looks like alot of fun. And Im VERY pleased they now have official Battlebox lists for all the Merc and Minion Contracts and Pacts.
The patches are very nice aswell. Im sure we wil be running this localy soon.
My choice for it? Well, Im going to go for the sam as Will. Farrow!
And did anyone else spot that Sturm and Drang has TWO spell lists? Hmmmm
Hendybadger out
You can see the entire post >>HERE<< or below.

This league will take players from a battlegroup box set all the way up to a full 35-point army of their own design. As players earn ranks, they are also competing for three separate awards: Destroyer, Creator, and Journeyman. I think the Creator award is especially cool, as it is awarded for the player with the most Hobby points. What are Hobby points? You gain those by painting your new force!
Concerned that you want to start a faction that doesn’t have an official battlegroup box set? Don’t be! We’ve created battlegroup equivalents for every faction, including Mercenary contracts and Minion pacts. Whether you want to join the Blindwater Congregation or sign up for the Khador Empire, we’ve got you covered.
We’re so excited about this event that we’re going to be holding a staff Journeyman league. Community Coordinator Simon Berman will be posting all the details in upcoming Insiders.
Personally, I’ll be starting a Thornfall Alliance force. I already own everything currently released for the Blindwater Congregation, so I might as well go all in and complete my Minions collection. Week 1 begins with battlegroup games only, so I’ll be looking to make the most out of Lord Carver, his War Hog, and his two Gun Boars.
I’m really excited about switching casters later in the league, I can’t wait to play the new farrow warlock Sturm & Drang. It’s going to be awesome to figure out creative ways to get the most out of his spell list … both of them.
Anyway, look for upcoming Insiders to see who walks away a Journeyman, and who limps away crying.
Oh yeah, and here’s what the Journeyman prizes look like. Kind of snazzy don’t you think?

August 24, 2011
Thats looks like alot of fun. And Im VERY pleased they now have official Battlebox lists for all the Merc and Minion Contracts and Pacts.
The patches are very nice aswell. Im sure we wil be running this localy soon.
My choice for it? Well, Im going to go for the sam as Will. Farrow!
And did anyone else spot that Sturm and Drang has TWO spell lists? Hmmmm
Hendybadger out
Monday, 22 August 2011
PP Insider - Sturm and Drang Rules Teaser / Spoiler
Todays Privateer Insider blog post has something very special in. 1 of the cards for the new Farrow Warlock Sturm and Drang. You can see it below or >>HERE<<
Insider 8-22-2011

Last week, Sturm and Drang, the newest Farrow warlock was shown in all his two-headed glory to the world on the Privateer Press website. Of course, keen observers had no doubt already seen images of this kick-ass warlock floating around the internet since he was painted live at our Gen Con 2011 booth by studio painter extraordinaire Matt Dipietro.
It's my pleasure to let our great community know that Sturm and Drang will be making one more star appearance, this time as a special convention pre-release this weekend, August 26-28, at the Privateer Press booth, #Sky 5 at PAX Prime.
And just like all of our Domination pre-release warlocks, players who pick up Sturm and Drang at PAX will receive a special edition stat card!
We look forward to seeing everyone this weekend at PAX Prime, and be sure to take part in our PAX WARMACHINE and HORDES Masters event this Saturday, as well as our Iron Arena events all weekend!. More details can be found here.
Very interesting. And cant wait to see the spells and feat. Looks like a lot of fun to use.
Now, all I need to do is get a friendly American thats going to PAX. Hmmmmm......
Hendybadger out
Friday, 19 August 2011
Sturm & Drang Official Preveiw and Fluff
Privateer have made one Badger very happy today with the official preveiw of the new Minions Farrow Warlock from Domination. Models PP page and 360 Veiw Here
Sturm & Drang
The monstrous creation called Sturm and Drang is proof of Dr. Arkadius’ mad genius. The key to this breakthrough was placing two strong wills in opposition. Psychic feedback crackles between their minds, driving them into a battle frenzy of escalating power. Engineered to dominate and subjugate, the pair have perfect command over the war hogs of the farrow and can unleash magic of mind-rending power and explosive force.
What a stunning model. Really looking forward to getting my hands on this beast.
And a great bit of fluff about him aswell. Hints at a Beast Lock but also a spell slinger. What will the rules be? Who knows! But I know I want it!
The link to the 360 veiw is at the top of this post but I couldnt resist taking afew snaps to show off this model a little more.
Dont know if you can tell but IM very pleased and excited about this one.
What do you think about it?
Sturm & Drang
The monstrous creation called Sturm and Drang is proof of Dr. Arkadius’ mad genius. The key to this breakthrough was placing two strong wills in opposition. Psychic feedback crackles between their minds, driving them into a battle frenzy of escalating power. Engineered to dominate and subjugate, the pair have perfect command over the war hogs of the farrow and can unleash magic of mind-rending power and explosive force.
What a stunning model. Really looking forward to getting my hands on this beast.
And a great bit of fluff about him aswell. Hints at a Beast Lock but also a spell slinger. What will the rules be? Who knows! But I know I want it!
The link to the 360 veiw is at the top of this post but I couldnt resist taking afew snaps to show off this model a little more.
Dont know if you can tell but IM very pleased and excited about this one.
What do you think about it?
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Whats this Breast Cancer Brawl and Painting Pink all about?
So, a couple of people have asked me about the planned Breast Cancer Brawl and Paint it Pink event thats coming on Oct 15th.
I thought I would put together a post explaining what its all about.
All info have been taken from, and
What is the Breast Cancer Brawl?
The Breast Cancer Brawl is an effort to raise money for breast cancer research, advocacy, education, and support organizations. The event is a fantasy table-top miniatures tournament and… painting competition using the popular WARMACHINE and HORDES game systems.Entry fees to the event are donated to the breast cancer organization being sponsored. In addition, a unique tournament format is used to encourage additional donations throughout the tournament so that friendly competition can benefit a good cause. Privateer Press, the creators of the WARMACHINE and HORDES game systems and miniature lines, provides prize support for the event including special prizes for the tournament winner and the most generous donor.
The Breast Cancer Brawl is global in scope with charity tournaments happening around the world annually from September to December. With enough events, we all hope to do our part to help “knock out breast cancer”.
For more info contact -
About the Breast Cancer Brawl Team
The idea for this project began in 2007 with a tribute project – one member of the Breast Cancer Brawl team wanted to paint one of his collected miniatures armies in pink in remembrance of his mother who had passed away from breast cancer. From there, it
quickly gathered volunteers to the idea and grew to a global effort. The Breast Cancer Brawl Team is a group of dedicated
Privateer Press fans that have volunteered to organize and administrate the global Breast Cancer Brawl events. Many of us have been personally touched by breast cancer in one way or another in our personal lives and this is just one way we are helping to raise awareness and fight the disease.
Whats Paint it Pink about?
Breast Cancer is one of the most common and deadliest cancers among women. This is your chance to do your part to raise awareness while enjoying your hobby. Inspired by the dedicated painters at the hobby blog Paint Pink. The 2011 Paint It Pink painting contest is designed to help promote breast cancer awareness through the miniature wargame hobby. Simply paint one miniature or an entire army using pink as a prominent color, and enter your work into any appropriate categories.
Each painter may only enter once for each category, but may enter multiple works by entering into multiple categories.
Any questions can be directed to
Project: Paint Pink
Project: Paint Pink was started in March 2009 as a way to provide support and encouragement for Warmachine and Hordes players who are painting armies to promote breast cancer awareness. It is designed for new and veteran players and painters alike.
The goal of Project: Paint Pink is to motivate players and painters to complete their armies in time for Breast Cancer Brawl events held in October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Players have the option to keep the armies they paint or auction them off for charity and donate the proceeds toward promoting breast cancer awareness. You are not required to auction your army to be a part of Project: Paint Pink.
The Breast Cancer Brawl + Painting Pink @ North Cornwall Beasts and Bionics - Oct 15th
Now you have an idea of what this events about I can start letting out abit more about Cornwalls first ever BCB!
On October 15th, NCBB will be holding the event at the Poldark Inn, Delabole, North Cornwall
It will be a standard 25pt Warmachine and Hordes tournament with Caster kill rules
Entry fees and all money raised will go to the Mermaid Centre at Royal Cornwall Hospital, Treliske, Truro
(Fee amounts and how to enter will be up soon)
You will also be able to CHEAT in lots of ways by donating more money to buy BCB pink tokens!
There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Sportsman, Painted, Most Generous Donor and more.........
There will also be a Painting Pink contest and auction.
Each player can enter as many single models as they like, painted in a pink scheme.
The best models will win prizes and then ALL will be auctioned off. (You can buy your own back if you really want to)
Dont forget - ALL money goes to the local cancer centre
The prizes offered so far are
Grind Boxed game - Myself
Wrath Warmachine Faction coins - NCBB club
Steamroller kit - PP UK/ Creberus
Singed Copy of Wrath - Guts and Gears Podacst
Painted 'Pink' models for the auction - Players that cant make the event (more to come on those)
Hopefully more to come
And now the pleading bit...............
If anyone out there goes to/knows/runs/owns a club, website or store that would be willing to donate any prizes to this charity event (And have thier names on it) please contact me (Ian / PG hendybadger) on here, the PP forums, Warmachine + Hordes South West Facebook page (top right>>>) or at
Or North Cornwall Beasts and Bionics on thier Facebook page (top right>>>) or
Hendybadger out
I thought I would put together a post explaining what its all about.
All info have been taken from, and
What is the Breast Cancer Brawl?
The Breast Cancer Brawl is an effort to raise money for breast cancer research, advocacy, education, and support organizations. The event is a fantasy table-top miniatures tournament and… painting competition using the popular WARMACHINE and HORDES game systems.Entry fees to the event are donated to the breast cancer organization being sponsored. In addition, a unique tournament format is used to encourage additional donations throughout the tournament so that friendly competition can benefit a good cause. Privateer Press, the creators of the WARMACHINE and HORDES game systems and miniature lines, provides prize support for the event including special prizes for the tournament winner and the most generous donor.
The Breast Cancer Brawl is global in scope with charity tournaments happening around the world annually from September to December. With enough events, we all hope to do our part to help “knock out breast cancer”.
For more info contact -
About the Breast Cancer Brawl Team
The idea for this project began in 2007 with a tribute project – one member of the Breast Cancer Brawl team wanted to paint one of his collected miniatures armies in pink in remembrance of his mother who had passed away from breast cancer. From there, it
quickly gathered volunteers to the idea and grew to a global effort. The Breast Cancer Brawl Team is a group of dedicated
Privateer Press fans that have volunteered to organize and administrate the global Breast Cancer Brawl events. Many of us have been personally touched by breast cancer in one way or another in our personal lives and this is just one way we are helping to raise awareness and fight the disease.
Whats Paint it Pink about?
Breast Cancer is one of the most common and deadliest cancers among women. This is your chance to do your part to raise awareness while enjoying your hobby. Inspired by the dedicated painters at the hobby blog Paint Pink. The 2011 Paint It Pink painting contest is designed to help promote breast cancer awareness through the miniature wargame hobby. Simply paint one miniature or an entire army using pink as a prominent color, and enter your work into any appropriate categories.
Each painter may only enter once for each category, but may enter multiple works by entering into multiple categories.
Any questions can be directed to
Project: Paint Pink
Project: Paint Pink was started in March 2009 as a way to provide support and encouragement for Warmachine and Hordes players who are painting armies to promote breast cancer awareness. It is designed for new and veteran players and painters alike.
The goal of Project: Paint Pink is to motivate players and painters to complete their armies in time for Breast Cancer Brawl events held in October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Players have the option to keep the armies they paint or auction them off for charity and donate the proceeds toward promoting breast cancer awareness. You are not required to auction your army to be a part of Project: Paint Pink.
The Breast Cancer Brawl + Painting Pink @ North Cornwall Beasts and Bionics - Oct 15th
Now you have an idea of what this events about I can start letting out abit more about Cornwalls first ever BCB!
On October 15th, NCBB will be holding the event at the Poldark Inn, Delabole, North Cornwall
It will be a standard 25pt Warmachine and Hordes tournament with Caster kill rules
Entry fees and all money raised will go to the Mermaid Centre at Royal Cornwall Hospital, Treliske, Truro
(Fee amounts and how to enter will be up soon)
You will also be able to CHEAT in lots of ways by donating more money to buy BCB pink tokens!
There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Sportsman, Painted, Most Generous Donor and more.........
There will also be a Painting Pink contest and auction.
Each player can enter as many single models as they like, painted in a pink scheme.
The best models will win prizes and then ALL will be auctioned off. (You can buy your own back if you really want to)
Dont forget - ALL money goes to the local cancer centre
The prizes offered so far are
Grind Boxed game - Myself
Wrath Warmachine Faction coins - NCBB club
Steamroller kit - PP UK/ Creberus
Singed Copy of Wrath - Guts and Gears Podacst
Painted 'Pink' models for the auction - Players that cant make the event (more to come on those)
Hopefully more to come
And now the pleading bit...............
If anyone out there goes to/knows/runs/owns a club, website or store that would be willing to donate any prizes to this charity event (And have thier names on it) please contact me (Ian / PG hendybadger) on here, the PP forums, Warmachine + Hordes South West Facebook page (top right>>>) or at
Or North Cornwall Beasts and Bionics on thier Facebook page (top right>>>) or
Hendybadger out
Friday, 12 August 2011
The Minions 'Swamp Horror' Surfaces!!!!
Todays Privateer Press Insider Post from Will Hungerford has something stunning in it. The Blindwater Swamp Horror Heavy Warbeast. Check out the link or see below.
HORDES: Domination has me psyched about the new possibilities to expand my Blindwater Congregation force. What can I say, having been born and raised in Louisiana, I think flesh-eating gator monsters are cool. Especially flesh-eating gator monsters with a voodoo flair!
A few weeks ago, we previewed the art for Maelok the Dreadbound, the new Gatorman warlock. I really love all the options I now have in terms of warlock playstyles for my army. Now I’ve got Bloody Barnabas for brute force, Calaban, the Grave Walker for arcane trickery, and Maelok the Dreadbound for some vicious, VICIOUS, undead nastiness.
As excited as I am for the upcoming release of Maelok, I’m just as excited about the other new releases in HORDES: Domination. For those of you who made the trek to Lock & Load, you may have seen this unholy monstrosity being previewed near the tournament area. For those of you who missed Lock & Load this year, check it out!

This new heavy warbeast, the Swamp Horror, is an amazing addition to the Blindwater Congregation’s arsenal. I can’t wait to get it on the tabletop and watch my opponents cringe in terror as it rips through their lines. I don’t want to give away too much this early, so be sure to check out the Swamp Horror and all of the other awesome new hotness when HORDES: Domination releases this fall.
WOW! I want it! No, I want 2 of them! Atleast!
Really looking forward to Domination. I think my Minions will be very happy with it.
Hendybadger out
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
I would just like to say a HUGE thankyou to all followers, veiwers and random clickers of my blog.
It has had over 25,000 hits in just 8 months!!!
Theres more to come on this blog aswell. ALOT more.
Cornwalls first Breast Cancer Brawl on Oct 15th
North Cornwall Beasts and Bionics first tournament 'Claws and Cogs' on September 17th
The Warmachine: Wrath release evnt with new Faction coins
Why I have been sawing large based models in half......
Maybe a whole new Monsterpocalypse community in the South West
Some actual painting (I promise)
How to make deep swamp bases
And loads more..........
Once agian, thankyou for following.
I hope you have enjoyed the ride so far and will enjoy reading in the future.
May your random number generator cubes be kind to you
Hendybadger out
It has had over 25,000 hits in just 8 months!!!
Theres more to come on this blog aswell. ALOT more.
Cornwalls first Breast Cancer Brawl on Oct 15th
North Cornwall Beasts and Bionics first tournament 'Claws and Cogs' on September 17th
The Warmachine: Wrath release evnt with new Faction coins
Why I have been sawing large based models in half......
Maybe a whole new Monsterpocalypse community in the South West
Some actual painting (I promise)
How to make deep swamp bases
And loads more..........
Once agian, thankyou for following.
I hope you have enjoyed the ride so far and will enjoy reading in the future.
May your random number generator cubes be kind to you
Hendybadger out
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Fully Painted Sturm and Drang - Farrow Domination Warlock
The No Quarter Blog has just posted up a couple of pictures of the finished model for Sturm and Drang. The new Farrow Warlock from Domination.
For ease of veiwing I have also placed them below. (click for full size pics)
I have to say it again. I LOVE this model. Looking forward to adding it in my rather 'different' scheme
For ease of veiwing I have also placed them below. (click for full size pics)
I have to say it again. I LOVE this model. Looking forward to adding it in my rather 'different' scheme
Thursday, 4 August 2011
More Farrow Warlock Info and Pics
The last few hours have seen more info and pics of the new Farrow Warlock from Domination - Sturm & Drang the medium based, 2 headed farrow centaur.
All the details can be found on the Privateer Press Forums and the amazing blog that is LOST HEMISPHERE
Time for the pics
I honestly cant wait to get me hands on this mini for the Farrow Im working on.
Love it. And looking forward to the rules and Hordes: Domination in general
All the details can be found on the Privateer Press Forums and the amazing blog that is LOST HEMISPHERE
Time for the pics
I honestly cant wait to get me hands on this mini for the Farrow Im working on.
Love it. And looking forward to the rules and Hordes: Domination in general
New Farrow Warlock spotted at Gencon!!!!
Quick bit of news for you here from Gencon. From THIS thread on the PP Forums
The new Farrow Warlock has been spotted. And he is called Sturm (or Sturman or Sturgeon) & Drang. Also, its been mentioned he is a CENTAUR!!!!!!!!
(Not confirmed officialy yet)
I want him now please!
The new Farrow Warlock has been spotted. And he is called Sturm (or Sturman or Sturgeon) & Drang. Also, its been mentioned he is a CENTAUR!!!!!!!!
(Not confirmed officialy yet)
I want him now please!
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