Friday, 15 January 2016

2016 Batman Tournament Cards Appearing

Over the last few days, the 2016 set of Batman tournament cards have started to appear.
You can see the first ones on and

We have Zur-En-Arrh Batman, Borj the plant, Shadowstorm the Ninja and Mr Pink the Mobster.
You can see them below and they have been added to our Who works for Who post.

So, what do you think of these new additions?

For those that didn't see the 2015 set, I have added them below. (BA is Willpower 6)

- Hendybadger


  1. What are these exactly? Just some profiles available for generic use?

    1. They are alternate profiles for models already out that can be picked up by attending Batman events.

  2. Is there a complete list of the alternate cards anywhere? Would love to try some out in friendly games.

  3. Thanks for sharing these all in one spot. I know it's not a tournament card, but any chance you could add the Batmobile and/or Alfred cards to this list? They seem to be similarly sought after.

    1. I know KM don't want the Batmobile card online at the moment. I'll find out about the Alfred one.

    2. That's the first I've heard of it. Any insight into why they don't want the Batmobile rules out?

    3. No sure. I think they want to keep it back for the full rules expansion.


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