Spartan Games have just posted a blog about unboxing the Dystopian Legions starter sets.
You can find it >HERE< or I have reposted it below.

Spartan Games is thrilled that Dystopian Legions – our brand new 28mm scale tabletop game set in the exciting world of Dystopian Wars, where Victorian super science fiction has created an enthralling and brutal arena for a deadly world war – is hitting stores today.
It was only when we opened our own Starter Sets that we fully appreciated just how much is packed into them, and what fantastic value for money they are. We hope this unboxing blog will help you to get a better idea of what exactly you can expect.

Empire of the Blazing Sun Starter Set contents (1 base included per model)
Here’s a list of what you get:
Highly-Detailed Miniatures: Each of the first four Starter Sets contain 12-14 highly-detailed miniatures. Each miniature is pewter with the exception of the Prussian Empire Teutonic Knights, which is a combination of resin and pewter, and the Kingdom of Britannia Sky Hussars, which are pewter miniatures with resin smoke plumes.
Model Bases: 6 x 40mm bases and 8 x 30mm bases. 40mm bases are used for Officers, Characters and elite models. 30mm bases are used for standard infantry.
Token Sheet: A5 Token Sheet for you to cut out and use to represent actions executed in a game of Dystopian Legions.
Dice: 8 x black D6, 8 x blue D6 and 8 x red D6.
Ruler: An 8 inch acrylic ruler to match the range band system.
Stat Sheet: Detailing statistics for all weaponry and MARs relevant to the miniatures included in your Starter Set.
Activation Cards: 5 x Activation Cards to be used to determine order of march.
Game Cards: 13 x generic Game Cards, 13 x nation-specific Game Cards, 2 x additional Character Game Cards.
Quickplay Rulebook: 80-pages covering all areas of the game mechanics you will need to play a full game of Dystopian Legions, along with descriptive examples and colour diagrams to aid your understanding.

Kingdom of Britannia Game Card
Some Sections, Ironclads, Section Upgrades and Characters are provided with Special Game Cards. These represent any rare command abilities, special skills or other game effects brought to the battlefield by their associated models.
Now let’s take a closer look at the models contained in each of the Starter Sets…

Models from Kingdom of Britannia Starter Set
Led by the charismatic and experienced Captain Gilbert Smethington DFC, the Britannian fighting force is made up of highly-professional and skilled veterans assigned with the task of protecting and expanding Queen Victoria’s vast empire. Look out for the confident Britannian Lieutenant, an unshakable upper class officer who adds a real presence to the battlefield.
The Kingdom of Britannia Starter Set includes 1 x Character Figure, 1 x Officer, 1 x Sergeant, 1 x Flamethrower Specialist, 6 x Line Infantry and 4 x Sky Hussars (plus 4 resin flight plumes). Click the following link for a visual representation of what each model is:
Kingdom of Britannia Starter Set Model Contents [PDF, 0.6MB]

Models from Prussian Empire Starter Set
The Prussian Empire Starter Set includes 1 x Character Figure, 1 x Officer, 1 x Sergeant, 1 x Verling Specialist, 6 x Grenadiers and 2 x Teutonic Knight Armsmen. Click the following link for a visual representation of what each model is:
Prussian Empire Starter Set Model Contents [PDF, 0.6MB]

Models from Federated States of America Starter Set
The Federated States of America Starter Set includes 1 x Character Figure, 1 x Officer, 1 x Sergeant, 1 x Light Machine Gun Specialist, 6 x Federal Infantry, 2 x Buffalo Hunters, and 2 x Scouts. Click the following link for a visual representation of what each model is:
Federated States of America Starter Set Model Contents [PDF, 0.6MB]

Models from Empire of the Blazing Sun Starter Set
The Empire of the Blazing Sun Starter Set includes 1 x Character Figure, 1 x Officer, 1 x Rocket Launcher Specialist, 7 x Ashigaru Infantry and 3 x Shinobi Assassins. Click the following link for a visual representation of what each model is:
Empire of the Blazing Sun Starter Set Model Contents [PDF, 0.6MB]
The Starter Sets will be hitting stores from Wednesday 31st October 2012. Also available from this date will be the Infantry Sections for each of the first four core nations as well as the first Section Upgrades. All these sets will also be shipping from the Spartan Games Online Store from next week and are available to pre-order now.
Hendybadger: These look amazing. You get so much in each box for your money. Cant wait to get my hands on my starters.
What do you think of them?
Hendybadger awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
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